Muscle Physiology Products
Aurora Scientific’s muscle physiology products are designed to test the force-length-velocity characteristics of all types of muscle ranging from myofibrils to dog hind limb muscle. Our muscle physiology instruments include dual-mode levers, length controllers, force transducers, stimulators, data acquisition hardware and software and experimental apparatus. All of our products are sold individually or in complete systems. Select a product category or scroll to explore our solutions.
Complete Systems
Complete systems from Aurora Scientific include everything you require to generate scientific results. Each system is comprised of specific test apparatus, matched with optimized controllers, levers or transducers that are required to perform the assay or measurement of interest on your sample of choice. Complete systems are available for a wide range of samples, including single myofibrils, cells, fibers, whole muscle and whole animal. To this we include a data acquisition system, PC station and analysis software that best suites the tissue type and breadth of experiments being done. Explore our complete muscle physiology systems below!
Integrated Systems
Integrated systems from Aurora Scientific include everything you require to generate scientific results, now in a smaller and portable package. Each system is comprised of specific test apparatus, muscle physiology acquisition and analysis software, matched with a laptop and integrated muscle controller that includes a USB data acquisition system, stimulator and flagship dual-mode lever for full system control. Optimized for portability in non-permanent lab space to perform the assay or measurement of interest on your sample of choice. Integrated systems are available for whole muscle and whole animal in mice or rats. Explore our integrated muscle physiology systems below!
Controllers, Levers & Transducers
Aurora Scientific’s range of controllers, levers and transducers can be employed within a Complete System or as a stand-alone device. Integrated controllers provide a smaller footprint by combining the dual-mode lever system stimulator and USB data acquisition into a single box, perfect for portability and limited bench space. Aurora’s flagship dual-mode lever combines the power of a force transducer and length controller in a single motor, making dynamic contractions in whole skeletal muscle, whole animal or intact muscles possible with a single attachment point. For single cell, fiber or engineered constructs, where speed & resolution is needed for experiments such as kTR and force-velocity, we have our high-speed length controllers and isometric force transducers. Explore our solutions below.
Aurora Scientific’s stimulator is a high-powered, bi-phase stimulator designed to meet the specific needs of muscle researchers. Regardless of solution composition, electrode size or electrode spacing, the stimulator will deliver the power and flexibility you need for the most demanding of field stimulation protocols as well as the precision required for in-vivo nerve and muscle stimulation. Aurora’s stimulator is integrated into our Complete Systems that measure intact muscle tissue and can also be employed as a stand-alone instrument for electrophysiology and engineered tissues, among others. Click below to explore Aurora Scientific’s stimulators.
Test Apparatus
Specially designed and tailored for the muscle tissue being measured, Aurora Scientific test apparatus are engineered to integrate one of our lever systems, length controllers and/or force transducers in order to mount, bathe, visualize and mechanically test these tissues. Whether this be an automated bath to measure mechanics of single fibers, to a platform that measures whole animal hindlimb function in rodents and swine. These apparatus can integrate electrodes for intact tissue stimulation as well as precise temperature control for sensitive tissues and be microscope mountable for imaging of sarcomere length and calcium transients. Explore Aurora Scientific’s test apparatus below!
Hardware & Software
Custom designed and written for Muscle Physiology, Function, and therapeutic/disease models, Aurora Scientific data acquisition and analysis hardware and software gives you everything you need to plan and execute the most demanding experiments. This equipment can be part of a complete system, consisting of a PC, A/D card, interface and custom software (Linux or Windows) best suited for the tissue type and breadth of experiments being done. In addition, stand-alone items such as software can be used to add to an existing rig, such as High-Speed Sarcomere Length (HVSL). Explore our data acquisition and analysis hardware and software below.
Fluorescence Solutions
The calcium fluorescence system from Aurora Scientific enables physiology researchers to easily measure ratiometric calcium along with tissue length, force and sarcomere length in a single-time stamped file. Powerful twitch-based software controls all instruments and collects and analyzes the data. The entire system can be automated to perform entire experiments in a repeatable fashion. The software and hardware can be configured to work with any indicator fluorophore (BCECF, Fluo-3/4, Fura-2, Indo-1) to easily control the light source for excitation and collect emissions through one or more PMTs. Click below to explore Aurora Scientific’s fluorescence solutions.
Content for the Muscle Physiologist
Murine Muscle Mechanics Workshop at York University
Live October 30th, this presentation features Parastoo Mashouri highlighting her pioneering research on the effects of gradual ovarian failure on skeletal muscle function.
New Year, New Insights: Unique Models in Muscle Physiology
Ringing in the new year is an exciting time for resolutions, recalibrations, and research. The ‘New Year, New Me’ mindset can help kickstart a period of personal growth, and recent research indicates that new animal models can do the same for science. The following publication review covers a fascinating collection of muscle physiology studies in a range of different animal models – from brown bears and cunner fish, to golden retrievers.
Writing Protocols with 600A for Permeabilized Tissues
This blog will provide a brief overview of how to write protocols using our Real-Time Muscle Data Acquisition and Analysis System (600A) software.