Moving Mountains: Recent Feats in Muscle Physiology

Cardiovascular, Muscle Physiology, Publication Review|

As we March towards the 2024 American Physiology Summit, this month’s publication review covers recent advancements in the realm of muscle physiology, including the development of an improved resistance training method, the long-term musculoskeletal consequences of chemotherapy, and the characterization of crossbridge kinetics in cardiac trabeculae. Taken together, these studies reveal a promising trend of breakthroughs in muscle physiology.

Molecular Deep Dives in Force Production

Muscle Physiology, Publication Review|

As we launch full force into 2024, studies exploring the molecular underpinnings of force production in mice have blazed the trail of functional muscular research. From calcium dynamics during muscle contraction, to muscle impairments in myotonic dystrophy, and the effects of running on muscle mass in a dystrophic mouse model, January's novel insights into muscle function and regulation have important implications on our understanding of muscle physiology and health.

  • Integrating Patient Engagement and Trainee Development in Pre-Clinical Research

Integrating Patient Engagement and Trainee Development in Pre-Clinical Research

Muscle Physiology, On-Demand Webinars, Videos|

Christopher Perry, PhD discusses how his laboratory aims to discover mechanisms by which metabolic dysfunction causes muscle weakness and apply these findings to develop new therapies for muscle disorders. Homira Osman, PhD will provide a particular focus on leveraging scientific findings for practice and policy and linking trainees with patient communities.

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