Muscle Physiology Apparatus
800C: in-vitro Muscle Apparatus
Flexible design makes these systems the ideal choice for measuring muscle properties of intact muscle tissue in mice and rats
801C: Small Intact Muscle Apparatus – Microscope Mountable
Highly integrated apparatus, optimally designed to test small, intact muscle contractility
802D: Permeabilized Fiber Apparatus – Microscope Mountable
A multi-well automated test system for quick and accurate measurement of permeabilized fiber dynamics
803B: Permeabilized Myocyte Apparatus – Microscope Mountable
Innovative 8–well plate designed for quick cell attachment and measurement of myocyte mechanical properties
804A: Permeabilized Fiber ATPase Apparatus
The 804A ATPase apparatus was designed to enable physiology researchers to measure consumption of ATP along with contractile force and length changes of permeabilized fibers.
806D: in-situ Rat Apparatus
A beautifully designed, innovative apparatus for measuring in-vitro, in-situ and in-vivo muscle properties in rats
807B: in-situ Large Rodent/Small Animal Apparatus
Easily test in-situ muscle tissue dynamics in large rodents and other small animals
809C: in-situ Mouse Apparatus
A beautifully designed, flexible apparatus for easily measuring in-vitro, in-situ and in-vivo muscle properties in mice
820A: Dual XYZ Motion Controller
Closed-loop control of motorized stages to easily perform complex micro positioning with stunning precision
825A: Thermocouple Meter / TEC Controller
Thermometer and TEC Controller controls bath temperature from 0 to 40°C
Content for the Muscle Physiologist
Worth the Weight: Impacts of Microgravity on Muscle Health
In anticipation of the 2024 American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR) conference, the following publication launches into the latest insights on microgravity and muscle health.
Forward Advances in Biomechanics
In the context of muscle, the field of biomechanics explores how muscles generate force, produce movement, and interact with the surrounding muscle architecture, such as bones and tendons. These assessments are critical to understanding how muscles function during movement and how injuries arise, as well as informing rehabilitative practices and therapeutic strategies. The following publication review features recent advances in this field – ranging from the mechanical properties of rotator cuff muscles to the impact of lengthening and force velocity on different muscle groups.
DEMO: Cardiac Trabeculae Dissection and Experiments with the Aurora Scientific 1500A
The Aurora Scientific team will provide a methodology focused virtual demonstration of the dissection, tissue preparation, and mounting of cardiac trabeculae with their 1500A small intact muscle system.