Controllers, Levers & Transducers2024-06-19T21:14:17-04:00

Muscle Controllers, Levers & Transducers

150A: Integrated Muscle Test Controller

150A: Integrated Muscle Test Controller

A new family of integrated instruments combining a dual-mode lever, stimulator and data acquisition into one convenient bench-top solution.

300E Dual-Mode Lever System

300E: Dual-Mode Muscle Levers

Seamless and flexible control of muscle force and length, with the ability to measure one or both in a single and convenient lever system.

High-Speed Length Controllers

315D/322D: High-Speed Length Controllers

A High-Speed Length Controller providing physiologists the ability to control and measure length of single cells, fibers and whole muscle with ease.

400C: Force Transducers

Our 400C isometric force transducers enable contractile measurements from various muscle types and sizes with precision and reproducibility.

490A torque transducer

490A: Torque Transducers

Our 490A series of rotational load cells enable in-vivo contractile measurements made across the joints of a variety of animal models.

Content for the Muscle Physiologist

Best of 2024: Intricate Advancements

December 17th, 2024|Muscle Physiology, Olfaction & Plume Tracking, Pain & Nociception, Publication Review|

As 2024 draws to a close, the following publication review features a collection of selected studies from our annual short-list. From uncovering the evolutionary novelties of sound production in baleen whales, the physiological properties and functions of Krause corpuscles, and the mechanisms underlying working memory, this year's research highlights traverse a multitude of innovative applications.

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