Aurora Scientific’s muscle physiology products are designed to test the force-length-velocity characteristics of all types of muscle ranging from myocytes to dog hind limb muscle. Our muscle physiology instruments include Dual-Mode levers, length controllers, force transducers, stimulators, data acquisition hardware and software and experimental apparatus. All of our products are sold individually or in complete systems. With our complete systems, muscle physiologists can precisely measure force, length, sarcomere length and ratiometric calcium. Our systems allow all standard muscle physiology protocols to be run, such as twitch, tetanus, fatigue, force-frequency, force-velocity, stiffness and work loops. In addition, our systems have the flexibility that allows the researcher to customize experimental protocols to meet their needs.
Aurora Scientific has developed innovative test systems used in olfactory research to validate odors presented to specimens and to track pheromone and plume dispersion. In addition, Aurora Scientific utilizes their Dual-Mode muscle levers as mechanical stimulators to provide a precise, controlled force output for use by researchers measuring neuronal response to touch, pain and stretch. Furthermore, many neurophysiologists study an interdisciplinary field of neuroscience and muscle physiology looking at neural activation and sensory feedback of muscle tissue. Aurora Scientific’s Dual-Mode levers aid in characterizing muscle mechanics in models of neural regeneration and disease.
Materials Science
Aurora Scientific’s unique Dual-Mode muscle lever aids a variety of researchers looking at materials such as MEMS, hydrogels, artificial muscle, nanowires and carbon fibers. Easily and accurately measure tensile strength, elasticity, detaching force, shear fracture and deformation of most materials with the control and measurement of both force and length. Other Aurora Scientific products useful in materials research include our line of high-speed length controllers and our ultra-low compliance, high-sensitivity force transducers.
Featured Content
Murine Muscle Mechanics Workshop at York University
Live October 30th, this presentation features Parastoo Mashouri highlighting her pioneering research on the effects of gradual ovarian failure on skeletal muscle function.
Strategic Partnership between Aurora Scientific and Accelerated Muscle Biotechnologies (AMB)
We are pleased to announce that Aurora Scientific Inc. has been acquired on April 17, 2023 by Lafayette Instrument Company and is now a wholly owned subsidiary thereof. The acquisition brings together two leading companies with decades of experience in their respective specialties of life science.
New Year, New Insights: Unique Models in Muscle Physiology
Ringing in the new year is an exciting time for resolutions, recalibrations, and research. The ‘New Year, New Me’ mindset can help kickstart a period of personal growth, and recent research indicates that new animal models can do the same for science. The following publication review covers a fascinating collection of muscle physiology studies in a range of different animal models – from brown bears and cunner fish, to golden retrievers.
Writing Protocols with 600A for Permeabilized Tissues
This blog will provide a brief overview of how to write protocols using our Real-Time Muscle Data Acquisition and Analysis System (600A) software.
2025 Winter/Spring Scientific Conferences and Meetings
The Aurora Scientific team is continuing to journey out and connect with researchers at scientific conferences and meetings all over the world this Winter and Spring! We are particularly thrilled to be able to meet face-to-face with you all.
Molecular Signals Mediating Increases in Muscle Size and Function
In this webinar, Dr. Bert Blaauw elucidates skeletal muscle regulatory pathways and offers approaches to tackle muscle deficits for therapy.