Controllers, Levers & Transducers2024-06-19T21:14:17-04:00

Muscle Controllers, Levers & Transducers

150A: Integrated Muscle Test Controller

150A: Integrated Muscle Test Controller

A new family of integrated instruments combining a dual-mode lever, stimulator and data acquisition into one convenient bench-top solution.

300E Dual-Mode Lever System

300E: Dual-Mode Muscle Levers

Seamless and flexible control of muscle force and length, with the ability to measure one or both in a single and convenient lever system.

High-Speed Length Controllers

315D/322D: High-Speed Length Controllers

A High-Speed Length Controller providing physiologists the ability to control and measure length of single cells, fibers and whole muscle with ease.

400C: Force Transducers

Our 400C isometric force transducers enable contractile measurements from various muscle types and sizes with precision and reproducibility.

490A torque transducer

490A: Torque Transducers

Our 490A series of rotational load cells enable in-vivo contractile measurements made across the joints of a variety of animal models.

Content for the Muscle Physiologist

Forward Advances in Biomechanics

October 28th, 2024|Muscle Physiology, Publication Review|

In the context of muscle, the field of biomechanics explores how muscles generate force, produce movement, and interact with the surrounding muscle architecture, such as bones and tendons. These assessments are critical to understanding how muscles function during movement and how injuries arise, as well as informing rehabilitative practices and therapeutic strategies. The following publication review features recent advances in this field – ranging from the mechanical properties of rotator cuff muscles to the impact of lengthening and force velocity on different muscle groups.

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