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After months of setting up and settling in to our new building, on October 8 Aurora Scientific finally held a grand opening party. The event brought together almost 100 people from a selection of clients, suppliers, associates, local dignitaries as well as families and friends.
The official opening of our new manufacturing facility was perfectly timed, taking place during the same week as the launch of our new website, aurorascientific.com. Designed to inform researchers in three current application areas – muscle physiology, neuroscience and material science – the website provides information on all our products and systems, with a multitude of detailed photos, specifications, case studies and extensive citation lists as well as online access to manuals, drawings and technical bulletins. Plus it has a contemporary look and feel, like our new building!
The evening of October 8 had something for everyone to enjoy…
A welcoming reception
A tour of the new facility led by Dawn, Melanie and Lori
A presentation about the history and development of Aurora Scientific
Matt’s presentation, showcasing a few of our success stories
Interactive displays featuring the work of key researchers, hosted by Matt, Chris, Russell, Robert, David and Duane
Matt explaining our 801C Small Intact Muscle Apparatus, microscope mountable, featuring the work of Dr. Craig Vierra and his studies of the molecular properties of spider silk
David demonstrating our 600A real-time data acquisition and analysis software simulating a force-velocity experiment
The Aurora Scientific 300C-I Mechanical Stimulator, featuring the work of Dr. Dan Levy and his studies into neuronal sensitivity within the brain
Chris explaining our 806D in-situ rat apparatus and the work of Dr. George Christ in the field of tissue regeneration
Russell at the final test bench demonstrating the tuning of a 300C Dual-Mode Lever System
Geoff explaining the work of Dr. Mark Willis and the setup of our 200B fast response olfaction system, configured for plume tracking experiments
Robert at his assembly bench leading a lesson in hand soldering
Chris speaking with Dr. David James, a co-founder of Aurora Scientific, and his wife Beverly
A delicious feast prepared by our in-house chef, Mike, a.k.a. our Final Test Technician and Electronics Designer
Every company should have a logo cookie, right?
A ribbon cutting ceremony
Aurora Mayor Geoff Dawe, Joan Chandler, Vice President, Geoff Chandler, President and Greg Beros, Richmond Hill Councillor
And of course, the party
We may have completely overhauled our physical presence and our web presence, but Aurora Scientific still has the same talented, dedicated staff. They continue to design and build instruments that scientists can trust to achieve data that is accurate, complete and relevant to their needs.
We look forward to many more years of being a trusted partner to researchers around the world, providing equipment that promises performance, precision and progress. And we look forward to doing this from our new home.