Fluorescence Measurement
Content for the Muscle Physiologist
Forward Advances in Biomechanics
In the context of muscle, the field of biomechanics explores how muscles generate force, produce movement, and interact with the surrounding muscle architecture, such as bones and tendons. These assessments are critical to understanding how muscles function during movement and how injuries arise, as well as informing rehabilitative practices and therapeutic strategies. The following publication review features recent advances in this field – ranging from the mechanical properties of rotator cuff muscles to the impact of lengthening and force velocity on different muscle groups.
DEMO: Cardiac Trabeculae Dissection and Experiments with the Aurora Scientific 1500A
The Aurora Scientific team will provide a methodology focused virtual demonstration of the dissection, tissue preparation, and mounting of cardiac trabeculae with their 1500A small intact muscle system.
Quick Start Guide to 600A
This blog will provide a brief overview of how to start-up and utilize our Real-Time Muscle Data Acquisition and Analysis System (600A) software.